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  To Project Information > Harran

There are 36 entries associated with this topic.

The Adar rituals of Harranian Sabians (1)
Baal Shamin in Nisibis (1)
Babylonian Empire as a continuation of the Assyrian Empire (1)
Birthday of the Moon (1)
al-Bīrūnī on the Harranians (1)
Calendar of offerings of the Harranian Sabians (1)
Death of Tammuz (1)
Edessa and Harran (1)
Extispicy at Harran, 736 CE (1)
The First Hermes (1)
The hanging Sun disk (1)
Harran under Muslim rule (1)
Harranian rites to the Moon (1)
Hermetic traditions of Harran and Abraham (1)
al-Himyari on the Sabians (1)
Isaac of Antioch on the religion of Beth Hur (1)
Jacob of Serugh on Syrian paganism (1)
Kislimu rituals of the Harranian Sabians (1)
The last temple of Sabians (1)
Libanius on the decline of Harran (1)
Maimonides on Harranians (1)
al-Masˁūdī's description of the Sabian temples (1)
Nisan feasts of Harranian Sabians (1)
On the origin of Sabians (1)
On the paganism in Syrian cities (1)
A pagan governor of Harran (1)
Procopius on Harranians (1)
The religion of Harranian Sabians (1)
The sacrifices of Harranian Sabians (1)
A sermon against Harranians (1)
A sermon against Harranians (2)
Sex of the Moon (1)
Shahrastani on Harranians (1)
The Tammuz feast of Harranian Sabians (1)
Thabit ibn Qurra on paganism (1)
Worship of the Sun (1)

12. Assyrian Identity (359)


open letter 12.1 The shaping of Assyrian identity in imperial times (5) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 12.2 Assyrian identity in post-Empire times (151) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 12.3 Assyrian identity in Christian Era (203) previous letter first letter top of page
