The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East Animal sacrifices There are 10 entries associated with this topic. The Adar rituals of Harranian Sabians (1) Calendar of offerings of the Harranian Sabians (1) A festival of Hierapolis (3) The foundation deposits (1) Iranians offering in Esagil (1) Nisan feasts of Harranian Sabians (1) The rites of Galli in Hierapolis (2) The sacrifices of Harranian Sabians (1) Tatian on the origin of Greek divination (1) The temple of the Syrian Goddess (6)
12.1 The shaping of Assyrian identity in imperial times (5)
12.2 Assyrian identity in post-Empire times (151)
12.3 Assyrian identity in Christian Era (203)