The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East Hatra There are 12 entries associated with this topic. Allat as Isharbel in Hatra (1) The building of SGYL in Hatra (1) An inscription relating to Šamaš in Hatra (1) Lord of the Gods and Nergal (1) Nanaya in Syria and Mesopotamia (1) Nergal in Hatra (1) Nergal "the butcher" (1) The priest of Atargatis (1) Priestess of Isharbel in Hatra (1) Temple of Nabû in Hatra (1) Temple of Nergal in Hatra (1) The Virgin Isharbel of Hatra (1)
12.1 The shaping of Assyrian identity in imperial times (5)
12.2 Assyrian identity in post-Empire times (151)
12.3 Assyrian identity in Christian Era (203)