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The Virgin Isharbel of Hatra (1)

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12 Assyrian Identity

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

3rd century CE
Aramaic culture

Hatra No. 35:
In Elul of the year 549 (= September 238 CE). The statue of Qaimi daughter of Abdsimia, the wine-seller, wife of Neshraqab, the scribe of the Son of our Lord (Barmaren), which the Virgin Isharbel has ordered her. And she herself has erected it for the life of herself and for the life of Neshraqab, her husband, and Absa, her brother and for the life of all personnel of Barmaren, both inside and outside, and whoever is dear to them, all of them.

Source (list of abbreviations)
Hatra No. 35


Dijkstra 1995, 225Dijkstra, Klaas. Life and Loyalty. A Study in the Socio-Religious Culture of Syria and Mesopotamia in the Graeco-Roman Period Based on Epigraphical Evidence. Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 128. Leiden, New York, Cologne: E. J. Brill 1995.

Links (external links will open in a new browser window)
 See Allat as Isharbel in Hatra (1)
 See Priestess of Isharbel in Hatra (1)

Amar Annus

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