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The Tammuz feast of Harranian Sabians (1)

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12 Assyrian Identity

12 Assyrian Identity

12 Assyrian Identity

03 Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices

10th century CE
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Akkadian poetry
Islamic philosophers and scholars

SAA 3 38.5’-8’:
[On the 28th day (of the fourth month)] Tammuz rises at the request of … His [de]ath is when they burn the roasted barley, which they were casting on Tammuz, on the stones. The burned parts which are produced go up to the upper regions, as it is said. [The image of] your brother which they soak in beer lifts up the body of your brother, as it is said.

al-Nadīm, Fihrist 9.1:
In the middle of the month (Tammuz) there is the Feast of al-Būqāt, that is, of the weeping women. It is the Tā-ūz, a feast celebrated for the god Tā-ūz (= Tammuz). The women weep for him because his master slew him by grinding his bones under a millstone and winnowing them in the wind. So the women eat nothing ground by a millstone, but rather moistened wheat, chick-peas, dates, raisins, and similar things.

Sources (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
al-Nadīm, Fihrist 9.1
SAA 3 38.5’-8’


Dodge 1970, 758Dodge, Bayard. The Fihrist of al-Nadim. A tenth-century survey of Muslim culture. New York, London: Columbia University Press 1970.
Lapinkivi 2004, 150Lapinkivi, Pirjo. The Sumerian Sacred Marriage in the Light of Comparative Evidence. State Archives of Assyria Studies 15. Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Coprus Project 2004.

Amar Annus

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