Doctrina Addai 23-24: For I saw in this city (= Edessa) that it abounded greatly in paganism, which is against God. Who is this Nebo, an idol made which you worship, and Bel, which you honour? Behold there are those among you who adore Bath Nikkal, as the inhabitants of Harran, your neighbours, and Tarˁatha, as the people of Mabbug, and the eagle as the Arabians, also the sun and the moon, as the rest of the inhabitants of Harran, who are as yourselves. Be you not led away captive by the rays of the luminaries and the bright star; for every one who worships creatures is cursed before God.
Source (list of abbreviations)
Doctrina Addai 23-24
Drijvers 1980, 34 | Drijvers, Han J. W. Cults and Beliefs at Edessa. Études Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain 82. Leiden: E. J. Brill 1980. |
Amar Annus
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