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3.2.1 Doctrine of salvation

There are 100 entries associated with this topic.

Adam's primordial clothing (1)
Adam's robe of glory (1)
Addai's glorification of Christ (1)
Adonis and Aphrodite (1)
Alexander and al-Khiḍr (1)
Alexander in the Land of Darkness (1)
Apocalyptic scene of Ascensio Isaiae (1)
The ascending soul (1)
Ascending through the gates (1)
Ascending to the bridal chamber (1)
Ascension in Mithraism (1)
Ascension of the souls (1)
Ascension to the stars (1)
Ascent in the Chaldean Oracles (1)
Ascent of the soul (1)
Ascent of the soul (2)
Ascent of the soul (3)
The Assyrian Tree of Life (1)
At the gate of netherworld (1)
Baptism in water (1)
Belief in eternal life (1)
Body as delicate vehicle (1)
Bridal chamber and encratism (1)
Bridal chamber in heaven (1)
Byblos sanctuary of Aphrodite (1)
The Cave of Nymphs (1)
Christ as the defeater of death (1)
Clothing of soul (1)
Consecrating a church (1)
The cult of Adonis (1)
Death and resurrection of Adonis (1)
Death and resurrection of Dumuzi (1)
Descent of Ištar (1)
The descent of souls (1)
Descent of the soul (1)
Discourse on the Alexander (1)
Divine accessible to the naked (1)
Esarhaddon on his recalcitrant vassal (1)
Eschatological garment of glory (1)
The Exegesis on the Soul (1)
Gardens of Adonis (1)
The gates of the netherworld (1)
A god descending (1)
The goddess' ascent (1)
Gods and ascent (1)
Greater and lesser mysteries (1)
Greek festival of Adonis and Aphrodite (1)
He will come in glory (1)
The Hebrew Song of Songs (1)
Hekate and theurgy (1)
Hekate descends to Earth (1)
The Hermetic ascent (1)
The host of heaven and archons (1)
Human being has two souls (1)
Human soul as virgin (1)
The Hymn of the Pearl (1)
I came back to life (1)
If Marduk falls to the ground (1)
Katabasis to the netherworld (1)
Kings going up to heaven (1)
The land of no return (1)
Leading upward (1)
The life-giving water (1)
Liwet descends into a girl (1)
Macrobius on the soul's descent (1)
Macrobius on the soul's descent (2)
Mani's story of Adam (1)
Medicine of Life (1)
Millennial thought of Tertullian (1)
Mother of the Seven houses (1)
No name to the One (1)
Oracle for the Emperor Julian (1)
The original man (1)
Paradise on a great height (1)
Paradise on the top of the Ziggurat (1)
The personae in the Song of Songs (1)
Purification of body (1)
Putting on the Spirit (1)
Rays of the Sun (1)
Resurrected one in garden (1)
Resurrection of Melqart (1)
Resurrection of Zoroaster (1)
The risen Christ and Mary (John 20) (1)
The salvation history (1)
Salvation in clothing metaphors (1)
The Saviour and the netherworld (1)
Seven-rayed god (1)
The Seveners (1)
Sevenfold division of the soul (1)
Simon and Helena (1)
The soul as divine triad (1)
Soul divided in three (1)
Souls on Olympus (1)
Stripping during the Descent (1)
Tale of Bulūqiyā (2)
Tammuz and a Christian martyr (1)
Tammuz and a Christian martyr (2)
Vehicles of soul's ascension (1)
The whirling sound (1)
Zaddiq and Shekhinah (1)

3. Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices (299)


open letter 3.1 Public festivals (103) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.2 Cult of Ištar (164) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.3 Service of god (24) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.4 Secular rituals (8) previous letter first letter top of page
