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The Hermetic ascent (1)

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03 Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices

Roman Empire
Helleno-Roman philosophers and scholars

Corpus Hermeticum 1.24-26:
(Asclepius:) “You have taught me all things well, o mind, just as I wanted. But tell me again about the way up; tell me how it happens.”
To this Poimandres said: “First, in releasing the material body you give the body itself over to alteration, and the form that you used to have vanishes. To the demon you give over your temperament, now inactive. The body’s senses rise up and flow back to their particular sources, becoming separate parts and mingling again with the energies. And feeling and longing go on toward irrational nature. Thence the human being rushes up through the cosmic framework, at the first zone surrending the energy of increase and decrease; at the second evil machination, a device now inactive; at the third the illusion of longing, now inactive; at the fourth the ruler’s arrogance, now freed of excess; at the fifth unholy presumption and daring recklessness; at the sixth the evil impulses that come from wealth, now inactive; and at the seventh zone the deceit that lies in ambush. And then, stripped of the effects of the cosmic framework, the human enters the region of the ogdoad; he has his own proper power, and along with the blessed he hymns the father. Those present there rejoice together in his presence, and, having become like his companions, he also hears certain powers that exist beyond the ogdoadic region and hymn god with sweet voice. They rise up to the father in order and surrender themselves to the powers, and, having become powers, they enter into god. This is the final good for those who have received knowledge: to be made god.

Source (list of abbreviations)
Corpus Hermeticum 1.24-26


Copenhaver 1992, 5-6Copenhaver, Brian P. Hermetica. The Greek Corpus Hermetica and the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation, with notes and introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1992.

Amar Annus

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