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  To Project Information > Self-castration

There are 16 entries associated with this topic.

Acdestis and the marriage of Attis (1)
Attis and Agdistis (1)
Attis and the Syrian goddess (1)
Basilides on the self-castration (1)
Casting away body parts (1)
Castration history of Edessa (1)
Castration of Zeus (1)
A Christian justification of self-castration (1)
A Christian monastic order requiring castration (1)
Elagabalus "the Assyrian" (1)
Insolence of the Great Mother's Son (1)
Joseph as eunuch (1)
Philo on the effeminates (1)
The rites of Galli in Hierapolis (1)
Self-castration in the temple of Ištar (1)
Symbols of the Attis cult (1)

3. Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices (299)


open letter 3.1 Public festivals (103) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.2 Cult of Ištar (164) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.3 Service of god (24) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.4 Secular rituals (8) previous letter first letter top of page
