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  To Project Information > Descent/fall of the divine spirit

There are 27 entries associated with this topic.

Addai's glorification of Christ (1)
Apocalyptic scene of Ascensio Isaiae (1)
The Assyrian Tree of Life (1)
The Cave of Nymphs (1)
Clothing of soul (1)
Descent of Ištar (1)
The descent of souls (1)
Descent of the soul (1)
A god descending (1)
Gods and ascent (1)
Hekate descends to Earth (1)
Human being has two souls (1)
Katabasis to the netherworld (1)
The land of no return (1)
Liwet descends into a girl (1)
Macrobius on the soul's descent (1)
Macrobius on the soul's descent (2)
Millennial thought of Tertullian (1)
Mother of the Seven houses (1)
The original man (1)
Paradise on a great height (1)
Putting on the Spirit (1)
Rays of the Sun (1)
Resurrection of Zoroaster (1)
The salvation history (1)
Soul divided in three (1)
Stripping during the Descent (1)

3. Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices (299)


open letter 3.1 Public festivals (103) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.2 Cult of Ištar (164) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.3 Service of god (24) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 3.4 Secular rituals (8) previous letter first letter top of page
