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2.5.5 Composite beings

There are 38 entries associated with this topic.

Adapa and Enmeduranki (1)
Anzû = death = donkey (1)
The avengers of souls (1)
Baβri = Babylon in Avesta (1)
The Babylonian map of the world (1)
Bellerophon and Chimaira (1)
The Boy and the Deyus (1)
Bronze figurine of Mušhuššu from Samos (1)
The earthly beasts (1)
The face of Humbaba (1)
The footprint of Anzu (1)
Geloo and the Saints (1)
The ghost Gello (1)
The ghost Gello (2)
The ghost Gello (3)
Gylo and the Greek saints (1)
Hera's cult on Samos (1)
The Lord of the Roof (1)
The Mesopotamian Gallû demon (1)
The myth of Etana by al-Tabarī (1)
The origin of Cherub (1)
Power of the initiation rites (1)
Primordial stage of the universe (2)
The race of evil demons (1)
The royal symbol of eagle (1)
Sickness as a demonic attack (1)
Simurgh in the Kurdish folk-tales (1)
Stirring up the great sea (1)
Traveling on Sun's path (1)
An Uzbek folk-tale and the story of Etana (1)
Vehicles of soul's ascension (1)
The word for demon (1)
Ziz in Hebrew literature (1)
Ziz in Midrash (1)
Ziz of the field (1)
Ziz of the field (2)
Ziz of the field in Midrash (1)
Ziz of the field in Talmud (1)

2. Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs (389)


open letter 2.1 Astral and celestial symbols and imagery (51) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.2 Cosmic symbols and imagery (61) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.3 Mineral symbols (23) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.4 Botanical symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (46) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.5 Animal/theriomorphic symbols and iconographic motifs (104) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.6 Human/divine/anthropomorphic symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (51) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.7 Symbolism of weapons, tools and implements (13) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.8 Symbolism of jewelry and dress (23) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.9 Symbolism of gestures (7) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.10 Abstract symbols (3) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.11 Symbolism of colours (7) previous letter first letter top of page
