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The Babylonian map of the world (1)

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02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

Neo-Babylonian Empire
Neo-Babylonian texts

BM 92687 1-11:
1. [ … ]
2. [ … ] the rui[ned] cities. The bridge in[side her]
3. [ … the vas]t [Sea] which Marduk sees. The bridge in[side her]
4. [ … ] and the ruine[d] gods which he set[tled] inside the Sea.
5. [ … ] are present; the viper, great sea-serpent inside. The Anzu bird, and scorpi[on-man],
6. [ … moun]tain goat, gazelle, zebu, [p]anther, bull-m[an],
7. [ … l]ion, wolf, red-deer, and hye[na], [monk]ey, female-monkey, ibex, ostrich, cat, chameleon,
9. [ … ] beasts which Marduk created on top of the res[tl]ess Sea,
10. [ … U]tnapištim, Sargon, and Nur-[D]agan the King of Bushaha[nda], [ … ],
11. [ … w]ings like a bird, which no one can com[prehend].

Source (list of abbreviations)
BM 92687 1-11


Horowitz 1998, 23Horowitz, Wayne. Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns 1998.

Amar Annus

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