The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East
2.5.4 Aquatic animals There are 6 entries associated with this topic. The birth of Semiramis (1) Ephrem on the doctrine of Bardesanites (1) A festival of Hierapolis (1) Herodotus on the Babylonian population (1) The temple of the Syrian Goddess (2) The temple of the Syrian Goddess (7)
2.1 Astral and celestial symbols and imagery (51)
2.2 Cosmic symbols and imagery (61)
2.3 Mineral symbols (23)
2.4 Botanical symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (46)
2.5 Animal/theriomorphic symbols and iconographic motifs (104)
2.6 Human/divine/anthropomorphic symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (51)
2.7 Symbolism of weapons, tools and implements (13)
2.8 Symbolism of jewelry and dress (23)
2.9 Symbolism of gestures (7)
2.10 Abstract symbols (3)
2.11 Symbolism of colours (7)