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The Melammu Project

The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East

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  To Project Information > Cow and calf

There are 2 entries associated with this topic.

As a cow for her calf (1)
God's love for a heifer (1)

2. Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs (389)


open letter 2.1 Astral and celestial symbols and imagery (51) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.2 Cosmic symbols and imagery (61) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.3 Mineral symbols (23) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.4 Botanical symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (46) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.5 Animal/theriomorphic symbols and iconographic motifs (104) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.6 Human/divine/anthropomorphic symbols, imagery and iconographic motifs (51) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.7 Symbolism of weapons, tools and implements (13) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.8 Symbolism of jewelry and dress (23) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.9 Symbolism of gestures (7) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.10 Abstract symbols (3) previous letter first letter top of page

open letter 2.11 Symbolism of colours (7) previous letter first letter top of page
