A commentary on Qur’ān, Surah 14:46 by al-Tabarī contains an Arabic version of the Etana myth.
al-Tabarī, Ta’rīh ar-rusūl wa-l-mulūk 1.321-323 (ed. Leiden): When Nimrod was unable to burn Abraham in the fiery furnace, he wanted to ascend unto heaven and fight the God of Abraham. He fed four young eagles until they became big and strong, attached them to a box and held bits of flesh above their heads so that began flying towards heaven. When Nimrod was reasonably high up in the air he looked to the earth. The mountains were like ants. After a while he looked again, and the earth was like a round disk surrounded by the sea. … Nimrod was frightened and let the flesh fall. Then the eagles descended with such speed that mountains bowed down when they heard the sound caused by their wings.
Source (list of abbreviations)
al-Tabarī, Ta’rīh ar-rusūl wa-l-mulūk 1.321-323 (ed. Leiden)
Aro 1976, 26 | Aro, Jussi. “Anzu and Simurgh.” In: B. L. Eichler, J. W. Heimerdinger and Å. Sjöberg (eds.). Kramer Anniversary Volume. Cuneiform Studies in Honor of Samuel Noah Kramer. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 25. Kevelaer: Butzon and Bercker, Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag 1976, 25-28. |
Amar Annus
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