The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East
5.3.1 Extispicy There are 31 entries associated with this topic. Adapa and Enmeduranki (1) Attalos and Sudines (1) Babylonian methods in Rome (1) Book of Giants (1) The disciples of Chaldeans (1) Enmeduranki the Diviner (1) Enmeduranki the Diviner (2) Extispicy at Harran, 736 CE (1) The face of Humbaba (1) Favourable omens to kings (1) Gods and good men (1) Hepatoscopy in the Homeric epics (1) His mission will not prosper (1) The idea of Holy Scripture (1) A liver expert of Babylon (1) The liver models (1) Mesopotamian extispicy in Greece (1) Mopsos the diviner (1) Observing the animals (1) The occupations of Chaldean scholars (1) Pairs are unlucky (1) Parable of the Talents (1) A piece of learned folklore (1) Sacrificial prognostication of the Magi (1) Souls on Olympus (1) The stars and the liver (1) Stoic doctrine of omens (1) Terminology of hepatoscopy (1) Transformation of entrails (1) A volley of missiles (1) Witchcraft in Talmud (1)
5.1 Astrological and astronomical knowledge and theories (146)
5.2 Omen interpretation (174)
5.3 Mantic (37)
5.4 Magic and exorcism (131)
5.5 Medicine and pharmacology (68)
5.6 Lexicography and grammar (4)
5.7 Chronology and hemerology (38)
5.8 Mathematics (12)
5.9 Music and musical theory (13)
5.10 Esoteric lore and hermeneutics (40)
5.11 Historiography (64)
5.12 Cosmo-, urano- and geography (18)