The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East Tampons There are 2 entries associated with this topic. Talmudic nosebleed recipes (1) Talmudic recipes for ear disease (1)
5.1 Astrological and astronomical knowledge and theories (146)
5.2 Omen interpretation (174)
5.3 Mantic (37)
5.4 Magic and exorcism (131)
5.5 Medicine and pharmacology (68)
5.6 Lexicography and grammar (4)
5.7 Chronology and hemerology (38)
5.8 Mathematics (12)
5.9 Music and musical theory (13)
5.10 Esoteric lore and hermeneutics (40)
5.11 Historiography (64)
5.12 Cosmo-, urano- and geography (18)