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Talmudic nosebleed recipes (2)

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05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

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Jewish philosophers and scholars

The expression ‘mind, reasoning’ (ṭˁm dlyb) in this Talmudic recipe is a calque on the use of the term ṭēmu in Akkadian medicine, e.g. ‘if his mind alters’.

Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 69a:
For nosebleed … let (the healer) write for (the patient) thus: ‘(one’s) reasoning-faculty has been behexed, (one’s) reasoning faculty has been disturbed’.

Source (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Babylonian Talmud, Gittin 69a


Geller 2000, 19Geller, Mark J. “An Akkadian Vademecum in the Babylonian Talmud.” In: S. Kottek and M. Horstmanshoff (eds.). From Athens to Jerusalem. Medicine in Hellenized Jewish Lore and in Early Christian Literature. Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing 2000, 13-32.
Labat 1951, 22-37Labat, R. Traité akkadien de diagnostics et pronostics médicaux. Paris: Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences, Leiden: E. J. Brill 1951.

Links (external links will open in a new browser window)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (1)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (2)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (3)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (4)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (5)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (6)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (7)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (8)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (9)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (10)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (11)
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Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (13)
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Cf. Talmudic nosebleed recipes (1)

Amar Annus

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