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Talmudic medical recipes (2)

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A recipe in Aboda Zara 28b was employed for an internal problem (ˀstwmkˀ dlybˀ):

‘take (myyty) cumin (kmwnˀ = Akkadian kamūnu), caraway (krwyyˀ), nynyˀ (= Akkadian nīnû), ˀgdnˀ, savory (ṣytry), thyme (ˀbdtˀ, var. ˀbrtˀ), and llybˀ in wine’.

In corresponding Akkadian recipes, plants and minerals were often crushed and mixed with wine to make a potion to be drunk by the patient.

Source (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Babylonian Talmud, Aboda Zara 28b


Geller 2004, 23Geller, Mark J. Akkadian Healing Therapies in the Babylonian Talmud. Preprint 259. Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2004. [PDF]

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Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (1)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (3)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (4)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (5)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (6)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (7)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (8)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (9)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (10)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (11)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (12)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (13)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (14)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (15)
Cf. Talmudic medical recipes (16)
Cf. Talmudic nosebleed recipes (1)
Cf. Talmudic nosebleed recipes (2)

Mark Geller

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