Gargasamhitā 6.30: If Venus at its rising is colored black, it brings fear.
Enūma Anu Enlil, VAT 10218, 14: If Venus at its appearance is black, Enlil will look angrily upon the land, in the land the market will be low, [
] the South wind blows.
Sources (list of abbreviations)
Enūma Anu Enlil, VAT 10218, 14
Gargasamhitā 6.30
Pingree 1987, 299, 307 | Pingree, David. Venus Omens in India and Babylon. In: F. Rochberg Halton (ed.). Language, literature, and history. Philological and historical studies presented to Erica Reiner. American Oriental Series 67. New Haven: American Oriental Society 1987, 293-315. |
Links (external links will open in a new browser window)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (1)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (2)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (3)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (4)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (6)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (7)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (8)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (9)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (10)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (11)
Cf. Some Venus omens in India (12)
Amar Annus
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