The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization
Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium
of the Melammu Project
Held in Sophia, Bulgaria, September 1-3, 2008
Edited by Markham J. Geller
With the cooperation of Sergei Ignatov
and Theodor Lekov

Table of contents
Symposium Program |
Monday, September 1 |
09:00 |
Registration |
10:15 |
Sergei Ignatov & A. Panaino: "Welcome" |
Session One: Background to Globalisation (Chair: S. Ignatov) |
10:30 |
Baruch Levine: "Global Monotheism. The Contribution of the Israelite Prophets" |
11:15 |
Miroslav Salvini: "The Spread of cuneiform culture to the Urartian north" |
12:00 |
Sergei Ignatov: "The sun religion of Akhenaten. Is it a Monotheistic Religion?" |
12:30 Lunch break |
Session Two: Globalisation and Mesopotamia / Egypt (Chair: Simo Parpola) |
14:15 |
Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault: "Globalization, Imperialism, and Back. Political and Ideologic reactions to Assyrian presence in Syria (IXth -VIIIth Century BC)" |
15:00 |
Cynthia Jean: "Globalisation in literature. Re-examining the Gilgamesh affair" |
15:30 |
Adrienn Nagy: "Bes, Hathor, and the Nimrud Bowl" |
16:30 |
Rumen Kolev: "The Babylonian astrolabe. Astronomical analysis and dating" |
17:00 |
Nineb Lamassu: "Gilgamesh's plant of rejuvenation and Qatine's Sisisambar" |
17:30 |
Simo Parpola: "Globalisation of Religion: Jewish Cosmology in its Ancient Near Eastern Context" |
Tuesday, September 2 |
Session Three: Globalisation and the Eastern Mediterranean (Chair: Philippe Talon) |
10:00 |
Magda Tatulescu: "Hermeneutics of Suspicion. The Combat Myth in the early First Millennium BC" |
10:30 |
A. Panaino: "Power and Ritual in the Achaemenian Royalty" |
11:30 |
Jorrit M. Kelder: "The role of olives and olive oil in prestige gift exchange between Mycenae and Egypt in the Late Bronze Age" |
12:00 |
Kristoffer Momrak: "Ancient Near Eastern politics and the Greek polis. Secondary states, structural similarities and the problem of diffusion" |
12:30 Lunch break |
Session Four: Globalisation and India (Chair: Jens Braarvig) |
14:00 |
Klaus Karttunen: "India and the world trade. From the beginnings to the Hellenistic Age" |
14:30 |
Tzvi Abusch & Emily Blanchard West: "Ancient Near Eastern borrowings in the Mahabharata" |
15:30 |
Trip to Historical Museum, Sofia |
18:00 |
Reception |
Wednesday, September 3 |
Session Five: Globalisation and Iran (Chair: Béatrice André-Salvini |
10:00 |
Andrea Gariboldi: "Elements of globalisation in ancient Iranian Numismatics" |
10:30 |
Velizar Sadovski: "Old Indian and Old Iranian ritual poetry. Problems of language and ritual pragmatics of Vedic and Avestan hymns" |
11:30 |
Kabalan Moukarzel: "Some observations about "foreigners" in Babylonia during the VIth century B.C." |
13:00 Lunch break |
Session Seven: Globalisation and Greece (Chair: Yuri Stoyanov) |
14:30 |
Maya Vassileva: "Phrygian bronzes in the Greek world. Globalisation through cult?" |
15:00 |
Erik van Dongen & Christina Tsouparopoulou: "The Melammu Website. What we have to offer, and how you could contribute" |
15:30 |
Peter Dimitrov: "Greek and Anatolian linguistics" |
Thursday, September 4 |
Organised trip to the Rila Monastery |