Schools of Oriental Studies and the Development of Modern Historiography
Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium
of the Melammu Project
Held in Ravenna, Italy, October 13-17, 2001
Edited by A. Panaino and A. Piras

Table of contents
Symposium Program |
Saturday, October 13 |
09:30 |
Opening of the Symposium |
10:30-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: T. Abusch) |
A. Panaino: "Meaning and Perspectives of the Melammu-Project" |
S. Parpola: "Back to Delitzsch and Jeremias: The relevance of the Pan-Babylonian School to the Melammu Project" |
K. Karttunen: "The Rise of Oriental Scholarship in the Early 19th Century" |
15:00-19:00 |
Papers (Chair: S. Parpola) |
Y. Stoyanov: "On Some Trends and Paradoxes in the Development of Modern Historiography and Oriental Studies in Eastern Europe" |
P. Steinkeller: "Mythical Realities in the Early History of Babylonia: Thoughts about the Modern Study of Ancient Mesopotamian History" |
Ph. Talon: "God as One, One as God: The Question of Unity and Multiplicity in ANE Historiography" |
Visit of Ravenna's churches and monuments |
10:00-13:00 |
General Meeting of the Melammu Project (Chair: S. Parpola) |
Election of the New Steering Committee |
15:00-19:00 |
Papers (Chair: W. Burkert) |
I. Grünwald: "Judaic Studies and the Question of Understanding Judaism as a Religion in the Ancient World: Achievements and Desiderata" |
J. Hämeen-Anttila: "Between Enthusiasm and Rebuttal" |
G. P. Basello: "Elam between Assyriology and Iranian Studies" |
09:00-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: I. Grünwald) |
S. M. Chiodi: "Eracle tra Oriente e Occidente" |
S. de Meis: "A Modern Approach to Assyrian-Babylonian Astronomy" |
G. Bezza: "The Question of the Origin of Astrology" |
15:00-19:00 |
Papers (Chair: R. N. Frye) |
C. Janssen: "From a Symphony of Descriptive Patterns to a Rhapsody in Blue: Approaches of Pre-Islamic Poetry" |
M. Mazza: "In soccorso di Ludwig Mittheis: diritto locale e Reichsrecht nell'Oriente romano. Il caso di Babatha" |
B. A. Levine: "The Jewish Ketubbah (Marriage Contract) of the Roman Period: its Mesopotamian Background" |
20:30 |
Terme di Riolo Bagni: Gala Dinner |
09:00-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: R. Rollinger) |
W. Burkert: "Gyges to Croesus between Herodotus and Cuneiform" |
E. Naby Frye: "King Lists and Archaeological Evidence: al-Biruni as Assyrian Empire Historian" |
A. Carile: "Political Though in Byzantium as seen by 20th Century Historians" |
J. G. Westenholz: "The Good Shepherd, an Image of Insipration in History" |
13:00 |
Conclusion of the Symposium and Greetings |