Ideologies as Intercultural Phenomena
Proceedings of the Third Symposium
of the Melammu Project
Held in Chicago, USA, October 27-31, 2000
Edited by A. Panaino and G. Pettinato
With the collaboration of G.P. Basello and A. Piras

Table of contents -
Symposium Program |
Friday, October 27 |
09:30 |
Opening of the Symposium |
10:00-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: A. Panaino) |
D. Stronach: "The survival of Neo-Assyrian Imagery in the Arts of Achaemenid Iran" |
R. N. Frye: "Mapping Assyria" |
G. Beckman: "'My Sun-God' Reflections of Mesopotamian Conceptions of Kingship among the Hittites" |
15:00-17:00 |
Papers (Chair: E. Kamber) |
R. Kratz: "From Nabonid to Cyrus: a Case Study on an Intercultural Contest of Ideologies" |
B. Pongratz-Leisten: "Lying Kings and False Prophets: 'Lie' and 'Truth' in the History of Ideas in the Ancient Near East" |
C. Leurini: "Habent etiam episcopi diaconos (Augustinus De Haer. 46): Short Remarks on a Manichaean Ecclesiastical Function" |
18:30-21:00 |
Reception at the Mesopotamian Museum, 6301 N. Pulaski, Chicago |
09:00-11:00 |
Papers (Chair: R. Mattila) |
R. Rollinger: "Ideology as Means of Demarcation: Herodotus, Human Violence and the Ancient Near East" |
T. Gnoli: "Hatra and Edessa: the Case of 'Pasgriba' between History and Religion" |
K. Karttunen: "The Naked Ascetics of India and Other Eastern Religions in the Greek and Roman Sources of the Late Antiquity" |
11:20-13:30 |
Papers (Chair: T. Abusch) |
A. Harrak: "The Assembly of Seleucia on the Tigris according to the Acts of Mar Mari" |
I. Gruenwald: "How is the Dual Gender of God Handled in Religions that Developed in the Wake of Mesopotamian and Assyrian models?" |
G. P. Basello: "Babylonia and Elam: the Evidence of the Calendars" |
15:30-17:30 |
Lunch and Boat Ride on Lake Michigan |
09:00-11:00 |
Papers (Chair: M. Civil) |
G. Pettinato: "The Ideology of Power in Sumer and Syria in the Third Millennium B.C." |
C. Faraone: "From Magic Spell to Semiotic Game: the Transformation of Neo-Assyrian Love Spells in Classical and Hellenistic Greece" |
B. Jacobs: "Rückbesinnung auf vergangene Grösse - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit einiger Ideologeme des Antiochos I. von Kommagene" |
11:20-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: W. W. Hallo) |
J. Oelsner: "Hellenization of the Babylonian Culture?" |
J. Hämeen-Anttila: "Continuity of Pagan Religious Traditions in Tenth-Century Iraq" |
15:00-17:00 |
Papers |
S. Noegel: "Dreaming and the Ideology of Mantics: Homer and Ancient Near Eastern Oneiromancy" |
D. R. Frayne: "Gilgamesh and Odysseus" |
C. Marek: "Some Aspects of Greek Entertainment in the Eastern Roman Empire" |
17:00-18:30 |
General Meeting of the Melammu Project (Chair: S. Parpola) |
Election of the New Steering Committee |
Monday, October 30: the Oriental Institute |
09:30-12:00 |
Papers (Chair: G. Gragg) |
B. Levine: "On the Role of Aramaic in Transmitting Mesopotamian Royal Institution" |
K. Nemet-Nejat: "The Changing Face of Mathematics in Ancient Mesopotamia" |
J. Walker: "Syriac Christianity and the Assyrian Past" |
12:00-13:30 |
Papers (Chair: Martha T. Roth) |
W. W. Hallo: "Constellations" |
C. Janssen: "At the Banquet of Cultures: Mesopotamia's Heritage in Arabic Times" |
13:30 |
Lunch hosted by the Oriental Institute and Chicago Assyrian Dictionary |
14:30-15:30 |
Oriental Institute Museum "Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur" |
19:15-22:45 |
Dinner at the Assyran Social Club |
09:00-13:00 |
Papers (Chair: Klaus Karttunen) |
E. N. Frye: "Architectural and Funerary Connections of Assyrians in Iran" |
A. M. Saadi: "A Treasure-trove of Syriac Literature: Unearthing, Demystifying and Cataloguing a Wealth of Manuscripts at Lutheran School of Theology of Chicago" |
A. Piras: "Transformations of Hierogamy in Zoroastrian Iran" |
H. Charaf: "Syriac Cult Places in Wadi Qadisha in Lebanan" |
S. Sanders: "Mystics, Dictionaries, and the Early History of Exegesis: Notes on Iron-Age Language Ideologies" |
R. Whiting: "Progress Report on the Melammu Database" |
13:00 |
Conclusion of the Symposium and Greetings |