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Chaldean theory of dangerous periods (1)

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05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

2nd century CE
Roman Empire
Roman philosophers and scholars

Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 3.10.9:
Of the periods dangerous to the lives and fortunes of all men, which the Chaldeans call “climacterics”, all the gravest are combinations of the number seven.

Source (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 3.10.9


Rolfe 1961, I 270-271Rolfe, John C. The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius. 3 Vols. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, London: Heinemann 1961.

Links (external links will open in a new browser window)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (1)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (2)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (3)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (4)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (5)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the moon (6)
Cf. Chaldean theory of planets (1)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the sky (1)
Cf. Chaldean theory of the sky (2)

Amar Annus

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