Literary Change in Mesopotamia and Beyond
Second Workshop of the Melammu Project
To be held at the University of Innsbruck
13-14 October 2016
Organisers: Martin Lang and Sebastian Fink
Literary Change in Mesopotamia and Beyond and Routes and Travellers between East and West
Proceedings of the 2nd and 3rd Melammu Workshops
Edited by Rocío Da Riva, Martin Lang and Sebastian Fink
Melammu Workshops and Monographs 2
2019 / ISBN 978–3–96327–066–6 / 292 pages

Details and Contents
Workshop Program |
Monday, October 13 |
09:15-10:00 |
Gonzalo Rubio (New York): TBA |
10:00-10:45 |
Peeter Espak (Tartu): The Transformation of the Sumerian Temple Hymns |
11:00-11:45 |
Gebhard Selz (Vienna): Bilingual plants: a critical evaluation of the plant motif
in the epic tradition concerning Etana and Adapa |
11:45-12:30 |
Vladimir Emelianov (St. Petersburg): The Evolution of the Festival of Dumuzi in
the light of Russian Assyriology |
Lunch break |
From the Second to the First Millennium |
14:00-14:45 |
Simonetta Ponchia (Verona): From II to I millennium BC: cases and problems
n investigating change in Assyro-Babylonian literary texts |
14:45-15:30 |
Takayoshi Oshima (Leipzig): Legends of Sargon — History to His Story: Forming the Warrior King Archetype |
15:45-16:30 |
Christian Hess (Berlin): On the Textual History of Enūma eliš |
16:30-17:15 |
Martin Lang (Innsbruck): TBA |
Friday, October 14 |
Religion, Medicine and Rituals |
09:00-09:45 |
Barbara Böck (Madrid): On the Formation and Transmission of Babylonian
Magical Books |
09:45-10:30 |
Strahil Panayotov (Berlin): Changes and Transformations in Mesopotamian
Eye Disease Texts |
10:45-11:30 |
Cinzia Pappi (Innsbruck): Message in a Tablet. The Evolution of the Letters to the Divine in Literary and Religious Perspective |
11:30-12:15 |
Anne Löhnert (München): The techniques of editing Mesopotamian
Lunch Break |
Beyond Mesopotamia |
14:00-14:45 |
Yoram Cohen (Tel Aviv): The Vanity Theme in Wisdom Literature: The
Cuneiform World and Beyond |
14:45-15:30 |
Ignacio Rowe (Madrid): The Position and the Role of Ugarit in the History of Babylonian Literature |
15:45-16:30 |
Johannes Haubold (Durham): The textual transmission of Greek and Akkadian epic |
16:30-17:00 |
Closing |