The Melammu Project
The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East
The Melammu Project board consists of scholars from a wide variety of disciplines related to the project's focus. The main function of the board members is to promote the project and its meetings in the academic community and to safeguard the continuity of the project. For that reason, although the exact board size can vary, the board always consists of equally sized groups of senior and junior scholars (loosely defined). These include the organizers of future events, proceedings and website editors, and others. The board is always elected for two years at one of the Melammu Symposia; the last election took place in 2017, at Melammu Symposia 11 in Beirut.
Current Board (2019-)
Senior Scholars
Simonetta Ponchia (Chair)
University of Verona
Robert Rollinger
University of Innsbruck
Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum
Freie Universität Berlin
Paola Corò
University of Venice
Edward Dabrova
Jagiellonian University
Ann Gunter
Northwestern University
Sven Günther
Northeast Normal University, Changchun
Johannes Haubold
Princeton University
Mait Kõiv
University of Tartu
Manfred Krebernik
University of Jena
Raija Mattila
Finnish Institute in the Middle East
Krzysztof Nawotka
University of Wrocław
Martti Nissinen
University of Helsinki
Rocío Da Riva
University of Barcelona
Gonzalio Rubio
Pennsylvania State University
Christoph Schäfer
University of Trier
Rahim Shayegan
University of California, Los Angeles
Junior Scholars
Sebastian Fink (Vice-Chair)
University of Innsbruck
Selim Adali
Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University
Stéphanie Anthonioz
University of Lille
Julian Degen
University of Innsbruck
Kerstin Droß-Krüpe
University of Kassel
Peeter Espak
University of Tartu
Silvia Gabrieli
University of Verona
Claudia Horst
University of Munich
Sanae Ito
University of Helsinki/University of Leiden
Jakub Kuciak
University of Kraków
Simone Oppen
Columbia University
Marie Öllig
University of Kiel
Aurélie Paci
Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris 1)
Patrick Reinard
University of Trier
Luigi Turri
University of Verona
Agnieszka Wojciechowska
University of Wrocław
Advisory Board
Tzvi Abusch
Brandeis University
Giovanni-Battista Lanfranchi
University of Padua
Simo Parpola
University of Helsinki
Kurt Raaflaub
Brown University
Josef Wiesehöfer
University of Kiel