This inscription from Palmyra is dedicated by two men to a god described as He whose name is blessed forever. The text refers to a miracle done by the god in the moment of trouble. The expression day of justice in the date of the text is obscure.
Aramaic dedication written on an altar. A monumental right arm and hand holding a bouquet of winged thunderbolts is depicted on the main face of the object. Translation: He whose name is blessed forever, the good. Taimarsu, son of Nabuza and Shalmallat, son of Nabuma. Because they called him and he answered them in the time of trouble making a miracle. On the month of ʿAyar, in the day of justice. The year 214 AD (525 according to Seleucid Era).
Gawlikowski, Michał. Recueil d'inscriptions palmyréniens. Provenant des fouilles syriennes et polonaises récentes à Palmyre. Extrait des Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres 16. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, Librairie C. Klincksieck 1974.
Milik 1972
Milik, J.T. Dédicaces faites par des dieux (Palmyre, Hatra, Tyr) et des thiases sémitiques à l'époque romaine. Recherches d'épigraphie Proche-Orient 1. Bibliothèque archéologique et historique de l'Institut français d'archéologie de Beyrouth 92. Paris: Geuthner 1972.