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Utnapishtim in the Book of Giants (1)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

04 Religious and philosophical literature and poetry

Sasanid Empire
Aramaic culture
Manichaean texts

The name Atambīš in the fragment is a reflex of Mesopotamian “Utnapištim”, who is transformed here from Flood hero to Giant.

Manichaean Book of Giants, Sundermann Fragment L I vs. 1-12:
Sām, one of the Giants (superscription). Then Sām said to the Giants: ‘Come here that we might eat and be happy!’ On account of sorrow, no bread was consumed. They slept. Māhaway went to Atambīš (and) related everything. Again Māhaway came. Sām saw a dream. He came up to heaven. Upon earth fever broke out. All of the water was swallowed up. From the water wrath went out. (The tutelary spirits?) were invisible. He (= Sām) beheld before him the rulers of heaven …

Source (list of abbreviations)
Manichaean Book of Giants, Sundermann Fragment L I vs. 1-12


Reeves 1992, 121, 159Reeves, John C. Jewish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony. Studies in the Book of Giants Traditions. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College 14. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press 1992.

Amar Annus

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