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The herb’s nature (1)

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05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

Egyptian language
Hellenistic Empires
Papyri from Egypt

The herbs are described in a similar manner in the Akkadian manuals and in the Hellenistic magical papyri.

Šammu šikinšu:
The herb’s nature is like that of the ‘dog’s tongue’, or, according to a second source, like the haltappānu-herb; its leaves are long, its fruit is like the Adad-squash, it grows tall, its seed, like the tubāqu plant’s, is divided (?) in three: that herb is called šunazi, and in the language of Hatti they call it tubāqānu; it is good for scorpion sting; its mode of preparation: to dry, to crush, to administer as a potion in beer.

Demotic Magical Papyrus 13.735:
The ivy - it grows in gardens; its leaf is like the leaf of a shekam plant, being divided into three lobes like a grape leaf. It is one palm in measurement; its blossom is like silver, another (manuscript) says gold.

Sources (list of abbreviations)
Demotic Magical Papyrus 13.735
Šammu šikinšu


Köcher 1955, 33 12-13Köcher, F. Keilschrifttexte zur assyrisch-babylonischen Drogen- und Pflanzenkunde. Institut für Orientforschung, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 28. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1955.
Reiner 1995, 31-32Reiner, Erica. “Astral Magic in Babylonia.” Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 85.4 (1995) 1-150. [JSTOR (requires subscription)]

Amar Annus

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