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Aphrodite as philosopher (1)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

6th century CE
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine philosophers and scholars

Malalas, Chronicle 1.9:
He (= Kronos) remained in control, reigning over all the West for many years. He had there a wife named Philyra, by whom he had a son named Aphros to whom he gave the land near Libya. Aphros controlled the district there and reigned over it; he married Astynome from the island of Lakeria and became the father of a daughter whom he called Aphrodite, likewise after the planet, the heavenly Aphrodite. She became a philosopher and married Adonis the Athenian, himself a philosopher, the son of Kinyros by his own daughter. Kinyros, having performed this act which went against nature, secretly exposed the child in the mountains, where he was reared by those known as the mountain nymphs. He became extraordinarily handsome and Aphrodite fell in love with him. Ares became angry and struck him for he was a rival for Aphrodite’s affections. They say that Aphrodite went down with Adonis to Hades not to die but to resurrect him because she loved him very much. There are various stories about him which they call mysteries. They are said to have practised philosophy together until death. Kronos had by Philyra another son known as Cheiron, also a philosopher.

Source (list of abbreviations)
Malalas, Chronicle 1.9


Jeffreys, Jeffreys and Scott 1986, 6-7Jeffreys, E., M. Jeffreys and R. Scott. The Chronicle of John Malalas. A Translation. Byzantina Australiensia 4. Melbourne: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies 1986.

Amar Annus

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