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The angel ˀAnael (1)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

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Hebrew texts

The name of the Jewish angel ˀAnael derives from the goddess Anat, her personal characteristics from Ištar, the angels ˀArbiel and Niniel from Ištar of Arbela and Nineveh.

On the sixth day rules ˀAnael. He is appointed on all manner of love. This ruler is in the likeness of a woman. She has in one hand a mirror in which she beholds herself, and in the other a comb with which she is combing her head. She, like unto other angels, has serving angels; she also holds her hands outstretched. On her right arm serves an angel whose name is ˀArbiel, on the left one called Niniel, over her head one whose name is Lahabiel, and at her feet one called Ahabiel. If you wish to use them, make a tablet of fine silver, draw upon it the likeness of a woman in the name of the woman you like, then write on her shoulder her name and the name of her mother, and the name of the one who loves (desires) her, and that of his mother, and draw her hands outstretched. Draw then under her right arm the figure of a nice young man, and write on his shoulder ˀArbiel, under her left arm draw the image of another young man and write on his forehead Niniel, behind her draw the image of a man with red ink and write on his shoulder Lahabiel. The use of this picture of the woman on the tablet is that it gains for you the love of that man or woman whom you desire, with a strong and unbreakable love. You have only to touch this tablet and they will run after you, especially that woman whose name you have written on the tablet. And you must utter the following conjuration: “I conjure you, ˀAnael, you and your servants who are called by your name, and whose name is included in theirs, viz.: ˀArbiel, Niniel, Ahabiel and Lahabiel, in the name of Uriel, with the countenance flaming all around, inflame so-and-so with my love and with my strong affection, and may her (Mazal) destiny, be united with mine, in the same manner as Adam was united to Eve. May she not have any chance to eat or to drink, or to sleep, or to stand, or to sit, before she is in love with me … and until she comes to me and fulfils all my wishes and desires.” Then warm the tablet on the fire and you will see marvellous things. If the person in question is a man, then say: “That he may fulfil my wish,” viz. this or that thing. On the back of the tablet write Sit, for this is his Sigil, and write it in the hour of Nogah (Venus). It is also somewhat in the figure of Ṣedeq. And they say that if the image is drawn with the “thunderstone” and placed on a closed door, the door is sure to open by itself.

Source (list of abbreviations)
Magical-Astrological Text from Nisibis (Hebrew)


Gaster 1925-1928, 353-354Gaster, Moses. Studies and Texts in Folklore, Magic, Medieval Romance, Hebrew Apocrypha and Samaritan Archaeology. 3 Vols. London: Maggs 1925-1928.

Amar Annus

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