Judgements of the Spirit of Wisdom 26.1-6 (Middle Persian): The sage asked the Spirit of Wisdom: Is a blind eye worse, or a blind heart? … The Spirit of Wisdom answered: He who is blind of eye, if he has knowledge of some thing and learns, is to be considered healthy of eye, and he who is healthy of eye, if he has no cognizance and knowledge of any thing and does not accept what they teach him, then that is even worse than a blind eye.
Ahiqar (Syriac Version) 2.48: My son! Better is he who is blind in his eyes, than he who is blind in his heart. For the blind of eye learns the way quickly and goes along it, but the blind of heart leaves the right way and goes astray.
Sources (list of abbreviations)
Ahiqar (Syriac Version) 2.48
Judgements of the Spirit of Wisdom 26.1-6 (Middle Persian)
de Blois 1984, 44 | de Blois, F. “The Admonitions of Adurbad and their Relationship to the Ahiqar Legend.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1984) 41-53. |
Amar Annus
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