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A love charm invoking Dilibat (1)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

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7th century CE
Aramaic culture

Incantation Bowl from Nippur (Aramaic):
In your name, O Lord of heaven and earth. Appointed is this bowl to the account of Anūr … bar Parkōi, that he be inflamed and kindled and burn after Aḥath bath Nebāzak. Amen. Everlasting presses which have only been pressed upon … a man of his heart. Take … and hot herbs which they cannot sunwort … ... and peppers … them and the rites of love which you have sprinkled upon … She shall sprinkle them upon this Anūr … bar Parkōi until that he be inflamed and burn after Aḥath bath Nebāzak. … ... and in lust and in the mysteries of love, in order that … ... take pieces from his heart and the charm … his name. In the name of the angel Raḥmiel and in the name of Dilibat the passionate, … the gods, the lords of the mysteries. Amen, Amen, …

Sources (list of abbreviations)
CBS 2972
Incantation Bowl from Nippur (Aramaic)


Montgomery 1913, 213Montgomery, James A. Aramaic Incantation Texts from Nippur. Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section 3. Philadelphia: University Museum 1913.

Amar Annus

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