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Creation of man (2)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

04 Religious and philosophical literature and poetry

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

creation of mankind
No period specified
Akkadian poetry

Enūma Eliš 6.1-38:
When [Mar]duk heard the speech of the gods, he was resolving to make artful things: he would tell his idea to Ea, what he thought of in his heart he proposes: “I shall compact blood, I shall cause bones to be, I shall make stand the human being, let “Man” (lullû) be its name. I shall create humankind, they shall bear the gods’ burden that those may rest. I shall artfully double the ways of the gods: let them be honored as one but divided in twain.” Ea answered him, saying these words, he told him a plan to let the gods rest: “Let one, their brother, be given to me, let him be destroyed so that people can be fashioned. Let the great gods convene in assembly, let the guilty one be given up that they may abide.” Marduk convened the great gods in assembly, he spoke to them magnanimously as he gave the command, the gods heeded his utterance, as the king spoke to the Anunna-gods these words: “Let your first reply be the truth! Do you speak with me truthful words! Who was it that made war, suborned Tiamat and drew up for battle? Let him be given over to me, the one who made war, I shall make him bear his punishment, you shall be released.” The Igigi, the great gods answered him, to Lugaldimmerankia, sovereign of all the gods, their lord: “It was Qingu who made war, suborned Tiamat and drew up for battle.” They bound and held him before Ea, they imposed the punishment on him and shed his blood. From his blood he made mankind, he imposed the burden of the gods and exempted the gods. After Ea the wise had made mankind, they imposed the burden of the gods on them! That deed is beyond comprehension, by the artifices of Marduk did Nudimmud create!

Source (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Enūma Eliš 6.1-38


Foster 1993, 384-385Foster, Benjamin. Before the Muses. Ann Arbor: CDL Press 1993.

Links (external links will open in a new browser window)
Cf. Creation of man (1)
Cf. Creation of man (3)
Cf. Primordial battle and creation of man (1)

Amar Annus

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