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Punishments of Mithras (1)

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02 Religious and ideological symbols and iconographic motifs

03 Religious festivals, cults, rituals and practices

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

initiation rites
6th century CE
Roman Empire
Christian-Greek philosophers and scholars

pseudo-Nonnus, Epiphany 18 (Scholia):
Mithras has been variously thought of, for some (consider him) the sun, but others him who stands over fire, and others that he is some specific force. This Mithras has rites especially among the Chaldeans. Now those who are initiated in(to) Mithras were initiated with certain grades of tortures. For first they underwent tortures that were light, and then harder ones, such as: first it used to happen that they made those being initiated go hungry for fifty days, and afterwards, if they endured bravely, they caused them to be lashed for two days, and afterwards to be in the snow for twenty days; and thus by means of tortures that were gradually increased to the hard(est of all), if the initiate appeared to be enduring, then they would initiate him even in the greatest mysteries.

Source (list of abbreviations)
pseudo-Nonnus, Epiphany 18 (Scholia)


Brock 1971, 68Brock, Sebastian. The Syriac Version of the Pseudo-Nonnos Mythological Scholia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1971.

Amar Annus

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