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Ibn Waḥshīya the Chaldean (1)

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05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

12 Assyrian Identity

Ibn Waḥshīya
10th century CE
Islamic philosophers and scholars

al-Nadīm, Fihrist 8.2:
Ibn Waḥshīya al-Kaldānī. He was Abū Bakr Aḥmad ibn ˁAlī ibn Mukhtār ibn ˁAbd al-Karīm ibn Ḥarathīyā ibn Badanīyā ibn Bīrnāṭīyā ibn ˁĀlātīyā al-Kasdānī the Ṣūfī, one of the people of Qussīn (in Chaldea). He claimed that he was a magician who made talismans and practiced the Art (= alchemy). We shall mention his books on the Art in the proper place at the end of this volume. “Kasdānī” means that he was one of the Nabateans, who were the inhabitants of the first land. He was a descent of Sinḥārīb (= Sennacherib). He wrote books about magic and talismans among which there were:
Expulsion of the Devils, also known as Secrets; the large book of magic; the small book of magic; Giddiness, according to the doctrine of the Nabateans - it is in nine sections; The Doctrines of the Chaldeans about idols; Advice about Magic; The Secrets of the Stars; the large and small books about agriculture; of al-Kasdānī about the second category of talismans, translated by Ibn Waḥshīya.

Source (list of abbreviations)
al-Nadīm, Fihrist 8.2


Dodge 1970, 731Dodge, Bayard. The Fihrist of al-Nadim. A tenth-century survey of Muslim culture. New York, London: Columbia University Press 1970.

Amar Annus

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