An euhemeristic section on pagan cults mentions the Syrian goddess and Hadad.
pseudo-Melito, Apology: The Syrians worshipped ˁAthi of Hadib who sent the daughter of Belat, the woman-physician and she healed Simi, the daughter of Hadad, king of Syria; after a time, when leprosy came upon Hadad himself, ˁAthi entreated Elisha the Hebrew and he came and healed him of his leprosy.
Source (list of abbreviations)
pseudo-Melito, Apology
Drijvers 1980, 93-94 | Drijvers, Han J. W. Cults and Beliefs at Edessa. Études Préliminaires aux Religions Orientales dans l'Empire Romain 82. Leiden: E. J. Brill 1980. |
Amar Annus
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