Herodotus 1.192: There are many proofs of the wealth of Babylon, but this in special. All the land ruled by the great King is parcelled out for the provisioning of himself and his army, besides that it pays tribute: now the territory of Babylon feeds him for four out of the twelve months in the year, the whole of the rest of Asia providing for the other eight. Thus the wealth of Assyria is one third of the whole wealth of Asia.
Source (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Herodotus 1.192
Godley 1960, I 240-241 | Godley, A. D. Herodotus. 4 Vols. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, London: Heinemann 1960. |
Amar Annus
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