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The kings of the Chaldeans according to Synkellos (1)

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12 Assyrian Identity

05 Scientific knowledge and scholarly lore

9th century CE
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine philosophers and scholars

Synkellos, Chronographia 241, 248, 262, 274-275:
The first year of Nabonasar, the king of the Chaldeans, is to be numbered from AM 4746; from him up to the death of Alexander of Macedon, 424 years must be counted. Thus, from Adam up to the death of Alexander, there are 5170 years.
1. Salmanasar, who was also known as Nabonasar, was the first king of the Chaldeans, 26 years, AM 4746. The Assyrian king Salmanasar went against Oseƫ and made Samaria and Israel subjects.
2. The second king of the Chaldeans was Nabios, 8 years, according to others, 2 years, AM 4772
3. The third to reign over the Chaldeans were Chinzeros and Poros, 5 years, AM 4780
4. The fourth king of the Chaldeans was Iloulaios, 5 years, AM 4785
5. The fifth king of the Chaldeans was Mardokempados, 12 years, AM 4785
6. The sixth king of the Chaldeans was Arkeanos, 5 years, AM 4802
7. The seventh king of the Chaldeans was Abasileutos, 2 years, AM 4807
8. The eighth king of the Chaldeans was Belibos, 3 years, AM 4809
9. The ninth king of the Chaldeans was Aparanadisos, 6 years, AM 4812
10. The tenth king of the Chaldeans was Erigebalos, 1 year, AM 4816
11. The eleventh king of the Chaldeans was Mesesimordakos, 4 years, AM 4817
12. The twelfth king of the Chaldeans was another Abasileutos, 8 years, AM 4823
13. The thirteenth king of the Chaldeans was Isarindinos, 13 years, AM 4831
14. The fourteenth king of the Chaldeans was Saosdouchinos, 9 years, AM 4844
15. The fifteenth king of the Chaldeans was Kineladan, 14 years, AM 4853
16. The sixteenth king of the Chaldeans was Nabopalasaros, father of Nebuchadnezzar, 21 years, according to others 25, AM 4867.
17. The seventeenth king of the Chaldeans was Nebuchadnezzar, 23 years, AM 4888
18. The eighteenth king of the Chaldeans was Eueilad Marodach, 5 years, AM 4931
Some say that he reigned for twelve years, perhaps adding to his five years the seven years when Nebuchadnezzar lived among the beasts. He delivered Joakeim from prison and made him his co-regent, with whom he shared meals.
19. The nineteenth king of the Chaldeans was Niriglesaros, also known in Daniel as Baltasar, 3 years, AM 4936.
Some claim that this Neriglesaros, known also as Baltasar in the prophet Daniel, was Nebuchadnezzar’s son and the brother of Eueilad Marodach, who reigned before him and who was slain by him. But others say that he was a brother-in-law through the sister.

Sources (list of abbreviations)
Synkellos, Chronographia 241
Synkellos, Chronographia 248
Synkellos, Chronographia 262
Synkellos, Chronographia 274-275


Adler and Tuffin 2002, 296-297, 305-306, 322, 336Adler, W. and P. Tuffin. The Chronography of George Synkellos. A Byzantine Chronicle of Universal History from the Creation translated with introduction and notes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Amar Annus

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