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The list of lovers (1)

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04 Religious and philosophical literature and poetry

11 Language, communication, libraries and education

Greek Archaic Age
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Greek poets

The catalogue of Zeus’ lovers in Iliad may depend on a similar catalogue of Ištar’s lovers in the sixth tablet of the Gilgameš Epic.

Homer, Iliad 14.315-328:
… for never yet did desire for goddess of mortal woman so shed itself about me and overmaster the heart within my breast - nay, not when I was seized with love of the wife of Ixion, who bare Peirithous, the peer of the gods in counsel; nor of Danaë of the fair ankles, daughter of Acrisius, who bare Perseus, pre-eminent above all warriors; nor of the daughter of far-famed Phoenix, that bare me Minos and godlike Rhadamanthys; nor of Semele, nor of Alcmene in Thebes, and she brought forth Heracles, her son stout of heart, and Semele bare Dionysus, the joy of mortals; nor of Demeter, the fair-tressed queen; nor of glorious Leto; nay, nor yet of yourself, as now I love you, and sweet desire lays hold of me.

Sources (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Gilgameš Epic (SBV) 6.42-79
Homer, Iliad 14.315-328


Dalley and Reyes 1998, 101Dalley, S. and A. T. Reyes. “Mesopotamian Contact and Influence in the Greek World.” In: S. Dalley (ed.). The Legacy of Mesopotamia. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1998, 85-124.
Murray 1967, 90-91Murray, A. T. Homer, The Iliad. Loeb Classical Library. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, London: Heinemann 1967.

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