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Berossus on Nebuchadnezzar (2)

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01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

01 Religious and ideological doctrines and imagery

Hanging Gardens
3rd century BCE
1st century CE
Hellenistic Empires
Roman Empire
Hellenistic philosophers and scholars
Helleno-Roman philosophers and scholars

Berossus, Babyloniaca F8 (Flavius Josephus, Contra Apionem 1.140-141):
After he had walled the city in notable fashion and adorned its gates in a manner befitting a holy place, he built another palace next to the palace of his father. It would perhaps be tedious to describe the height and the rest of the richness of this palace. Despite its extraordinary size and splendour, however, it was completed in fifteen days. In this palace he built and arranged the so-called Hanging Gardens by setting up high stone terraces which he made appear very similar to mountains planted with all kinds of trees. He did this because his wife who had been raised in Media longed for mountainous surroundings.

Sources (list of abbreviations) (source links will open in a new browser window)
Berossus, Babyloniaca F8
Flavius Josephus, Contra Apionem 1.140-141


Burstein 1978, 27Burstein, Stanley M. The Babyloniaca of Berossus. Sources from the Ancient Near East 1.5. Malibu: Undena Publications 1978.
Verbrugghe and Wickersham 2000, 59Verbrugghe, Gerald P. and John M. Wickersham. Berossos and Manetho. Introduced and Translated. Native Traditions in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press 2000.

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Cf. Berossus on Nebuchadnezzar (1)

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